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2025 Event Planning in Progress

More info Coming Soon!


Shelane's Run is proudly partnered with Postpartum Support Virginia (PSVa) . Together we are dedicated to spreading awareness of postpartum depression disorders and helping families find the support they need following the birth or loss of a newborn. ​


After the tragic passing of Shelane in June of 2015, friends and family established an annual 5K Run/Walk and Kids 1K Fun Run in her honor to memorialize Shelanes' love and commitment to her family, community and running.  It is the ONLY road race in Virginia focused on maternal mental health.


Our mission is to spread awareness, promote programs that offer postpartum support and resources, and to encourage women and their families to reach out for help.  Our goal is to establish and offer grants to families that may not be able to afford the treatment they truly need and deserve.

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Thank you to our past sponsors!

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A word from our Shelane's Fund recipients

"I had a hard time adjusting to being a new mom of four. I was get very little sleep and didn’t have much support. It’s was just me and my husband and he’ll help when he can because he worked full time. When I reach out to PSVa I wanted someone to talk to and just get help with this adjusting process. In doing so I came to find out that it’s a community that surrounds you with love and support. I truly appreciate PSVa for being there for me and letting me know I’m not alone."

"I had a traumatic birth experience and don't have any family here. Insurance would not cover mental health appts. Shelane's Fund helped me see a psychiatrist who specializes in postpartum and helped me heal. I slowly started to feel like myself again."

"My baby was too small to make it. Then I suffered a pregnancy loss. Our family finances only cover our living expenses. Shelane's Fund helped me see a grief counselor. I don't know what I would do without this help. "

"We were in a financial crisis as a family. We had a lot of bills and we ended up really struggling. I was having a hard time with day to day taking care of the baby and lack of sleep and rest. Everything became overwhelming for me. Shelane's Fund helped us have a postpartum doula come so I could catch my breath, rest."

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